Has this ever happened to you?
You go to a conference or association meeting to network – to schmooze, make contacts, and, you hope, to get some new business.
You discover, to your displeasure, that your competition is also in attendance. Darn!
You try to target your best prospects and engage them in conversation – but they largely ignore you.
After all, they’ve attended mainly to hear the featured speaker – and learn his pearls of wisdom.
Much to your displeasure, you discover that the featured speaker for the event is none other than -- your biggest competitor!
Grudgingly, you sit through his speech, which strikes you as mainly obvious stuff and nothing special.
"I know more than this clown does," you think to yourself, "and I could have given a much better talk."
Yet, the audience seems to hang on that S.O.B.’s every word!
After he finishes to thundering applause, your best prospects rush past you on their way to the stage.
They congratulate the speaker … shake his hand … grab copies of his company brochure … and hand him their business cards.
And you can’t help but overhear them all telling your competitor, "We need to work with you … please call me tomorrow morning so we can book you!"
Maybe your competitor even looks up from his adoring "fans" … sees you glaring at him from your seat … and winks at you with an infuriating smile – as he continues to steal project after project from you.
You go home frustrated, having wasted a day, and no richer to show for it.
Your competitor goes home elated – and with more work booked than he can handle.
What made the difference?
You and I know that clients want to deal with vendors who are considered the top experts in their field.
And what do top experts do that their less respected competitors don’t?
They give talks: speeches ... seminars ... lectures ... workshops ... college classes ... training sessions ... podcasts ... tele-seminars ... you name it.
Well, let me tell you a little secret, which perhaps you’ve already figured out: the speakers you hear at industry meetings don’t know any more about your specialty than you do!
But they’ve done two things you haven’t ...
First, they’ve taken the time to organize their knowledge into a clear, informative talk – one that conveys valuable ideas to the audience – and makes them sound like knowledgeable pros.
Second, they’ve actively marketed their free talk to organizations their prospects join – and to meeting planners in charge of sessions their prospects attend.
As a result, they – not you – get asked to deliver the important workshops, keynotes, break-out sessions, and after-dinner speeches in your industry.
And they, not you, get all the attention ... applause ... recognition ... visibility ... and exposure from these events.
But it doesn’t have to be that way, because now you too can ...
...speak and grow rich!
If you sell a product ... solve a problem ... or offer a service, you have valuable expertise that others want to know about.
By sharing your knowledge in short talks -- given at the right venues to the right audiences -- you can take your business to the next level.
Your prospects attend the meeting. They see you are the guest expert. They hear your content-rich talk. And suddenly, they decide you – and not your competitors – are the one they want to buy from!
Plus, you can do it without awkward "networking" ... without complicated Internet marketing ... and without a labor-intensive PR campaign or costly advertising ... just by giving short talks, for free, at select industry meetings and events.
Now, in my how-to guide, Getting Famous Through Public Speaking: How to Market Your Product or Service Through Free Seminars, Workshops, Speeches, and Lectures, you get step-by-step instructions on how to promote yourself by giving talks.
- How to absolutely guarantee your talk gives listeners what they want and need to know from you. Page 43.
- The "green sheet" method for ensuring that every potential customer in your audience leaves with your name and contact information in their hands – without pushing business cards on them. Page 28.
- Why your talk should be shorter, not longer, than you think. Plus: a fun gimmick for making sure you don’t run over – it will have your audience rolling in the aisles. Page 20.
- 10 reasons why giving speeches is a more powerful self-promotion than direct mail, space advertising, e-mail, or any other marketing method. Page 31.
- The 8 secrets all great speakers know – and practice – that boring, mediocre, and unsuccessful speakers don’t. Page 16.
- "No-brainer" for getting audience members to give you rave reviews and testimonials you can use to promote your talks, your services, and yourself. Page 51.
- 7 ways to bond with the audience – and get them on your side – before you step up to the podium. Page 34.
- Must you offer a handout at all your speaking engagements? The answer may surprise you. Page 26.
- 41 techniques that can transform you from a nervous amateur into a smooth, confident, engaging public speaker. Page 21.
- Want to really become an "instant guru" in your field? Become a college professor – without getting your PhD. Page 38.
- How to promote yourself by giving talks – even if no one asks you to do so. Page 30.
- Thousands of meetings take place in the U.S. every business day. Here’s how to find the ones where you can gain visibility in your marketplace as a speaker. Page 4.
- The most important part of your talk – and an easy technique for making it instantly engaging. Page 14.
- PowerPoint mistakes that can quickly send even the most interested audience into a coma … and how to avoid them. Page 40.
- The organization says they can’t pay even an honorarium for your talk. But don’t worry. There are 8 things you can ask for even better than cash. Page 8.
- 10 situations in which public speaking is the most engaging, and effective, way to get your message across to your customers and prospects. Page 3.
- What Spiderman can teach you about promoting your business with special events. Page 37.
- Most speakers get business cards from fewer than 10% of prospects in the audience. This little trick gets 80% to 90% or more of prospects in the audience to give you their card. Page 29.
- 5 incredibly powerful ways to get more leads, and close more business with members of your audience, whenever you give a talk. Page 35.
- Want to give a hard-sell pitch for your product to a captive audience of interested prospects who actually want to hear it? Page 33 shows you where – and how – to get away with it.
- 6 questions to ask before you accept an invitation to speak. Ensures you don’t waste your time talking to people who aren’t potential customers. Page 7.
- Tips for preparing visuals that "knock ‘em dead" -- instead of putting them to sleep. Page 24.
- 8 simple steps for organizing a powerful – and persuasive – speech or presentation. Page 12.
- Best ways to close your talk. Hint: It’s NOT by making a sales pitch. Page 15.
- And so much more ...

Praise for Bob Bly and Getting Famous Through Public Speaking
Getting Famous Through Public Speaking is a quick-reading, 50+-page e-book available for immediate downloading as a PDF file.
That means no shipping or handling charges ... and no waiting. Order today, and start promoting your business by giving talks tomorrow!
Here’s what people have said about earlier editions of Getting Famous Through Public Speaking....
"This guy really knows his stuff. An excellent and practical primer."
--R. John Slade, President, Knowledge Garden
"An invaluable marketing tool that all business owners or entrepreneurs should have ... even just one of the many innovative techniques in this book will pay back its cost many times over."
--Fred Weiss, Chairman (retired), Studebaker-Worthington Leasing
"I found so many valuable ideas in the book, which I am putting to immediate practical and exciting use. This book is the key to Fort Knox."
--Dottie Walters, President, Walters International Speakers Bureau
"I have been speaking in public since 1958. That's why I bought Bob Bly's book. A professional in any field needs only one tip to convert a $39.95 specialized how-to book or report into ten times that much money -- maybe in just one speech. He will always spot at least one tip that he forgot or ignored or never considered. That's why a professional keeps buying how-to books in his field."
--Gary North
Use it risk-free for 90 days
Very few speakers’ bureaus, lecture agents, or publicists can guarantee that they can get you speaking engagements.
And virtually none promise you increased leads, orders, or sales from the speaking gigs they book for you.
But with Getting Famous Through Public Speaking, you get both. I guarantee it -- or you don’t pay me!
That’s right ...
If Getting Famous Through Public Speaking doesn’t help you get more speaking gigs, resulting in more business for your or your firm ...
Or you are dissatisfied for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just let me know within 90 days.
I’ll refund your $39 payment in full. No questions asked. And, you can still keep the e-book free.
That way, you risk nothing.
In 90 days or sooner, you could be in the spotlight at an industry event or association meeting as a featured speaker – as I frequently am -- while your competitors turn green with envy, wondering why they were overlooked.
Or, you could be attending yet another networking function ... where you’re just another vendor looking for business ... while the speaker – also a vendor – grabs all the glory – and the new business.
It’s entirely up to you.
So what are you waiting for?
To order Getting Famous Through Public Speaking on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:

Bob Bly
P.S. Quick-Response Bonus! Order Getting Famous Through Public Speaking today and you get a FREE 60-page Bonus Report, How to Do Your Own Public Relations. (list price: $29).
In it, you will discover:
- 29 great story ideas for the next issue of your company newsletter or e-zine. See page 17.
- Promoting yourself, your company, or your product through public speaking? Here’s how to make your talk more memorable, engaging, and persuasive. Page 26.
- How to use "DR PR" – direct response press releases – to generate new leads, prospects, and business opportunities. Page 14.
- 4-part formula for writing business letters that get you the results you want. Page 50.
- Want to position yourself as an expert by writing a book? 5 ways to write a book proposal editors say "yes" to. Page 29.
- Fool-proof formula for writing articles and getting them published, under your byline, in the trade publications your customers and prospects read. Page 14.
- Plus: a special library of sample press releases and query letters. Easy-to-follow templates guide you in writing your own PR materials. Starts on page 58.